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  • What kind of questions are on the Census form?
    Questions include names, ages, gender and race of houehold members.
  • What if I’m an immigrant?
    Every Census since the 1790 Census has included citizens and non-citizens alike. The U.S. Constitution provides that the state population totals used as the basis for congressional apportionment, as derived from a census conducted every 10 years, shall include the ‘whole number of persons in each state” (14th amendment, Section 2). For Immigrant Support Services, visit: City of Mpls, Office of Immigrant & Refugee Affairs: Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota: Volunteer Lawyers Network: Legal services, brief immigration and other legal issues: Pillsbury United Communities - Brian Coyle 420 15th Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612) 338-5282 Pillsbury United Communities - Waite House 2323 11th Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55404 (612) 673-6103 Pillsbury House Theatre 3501 Chicago Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN, 55407 (612) 824-0708
  • What if I need help filling out the form?
    Visit our website to see a list of safe, community spaces that are helping community members with the Census. Translation services may be available.
  • What if I’m homeless or staying with friends and family temporarily?
    If a person is staying at an address as of April 1, 2020, list them at that address. If you are homeless, list the shelter you stay at or wherever you lay your head at night.
  • Does everyone in my house have to fill out the form?
    Only one person needs to fill out the form, but should all those who live at that address in that household.
  • Will my information be shared with ICE? My Landlord? Or other Agencies or people?
    No. The FBI, IRS, ICE or other government agencies do not have legal right to access this informaton. Violating the confidentiality of a respondent is a federal crime that includes up to 5 years in jail and a $250,000 fine, or both. Census workers are sworn for life to uphold the law. Special security measures are in place to restrict access.
  • “We don’t answer the door for strangers”
    If you fill out the form and mail it back, a Census worker will not have to visit your home. Census Enumerators only visit homes that did not complete and mail back the form. Can I fill it out online?
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